The market is full with a type of routers. If you want to get started with using one of these efficient devices, you will have to need access to it. The settings for a wireless router may also be accessed using a dedicated router local web address . Using this web address(, a user could make easy adjustments to the router settings via web management page.

Features Of WiFi Router

Features Of The Wi-Fi Router

Users experience most suitable bandwidths for multiple devices.

These routers can simply be configured using Wi-Fi protected setup [WPS].

Probably the most promising characteristic is the presence of Gigabit ports for high-speed data transfer.

The web interface is very intuitive.

The design can not be ignored as it’s stylish and premium.

The wi-fi Band used is dual that implies one is 2.4 GHz and another is 5 GHz.

Easy Instructions to setup wireless Router

  • Connect the power adapter to a power outlet on the wall. Attach the other end to the targeted power socket to your router.
  • Connections must be made via Ethernet cables between the MODEM and the router. The yellow coloured ports on the device are probably of WAN.
  • Power ON your device. Blinking of the LEDs on the front panel will verify start up.
  • Now, connect to the router network via your or laptop.
  • Open any browser and go to This would redirect you to the setup wizard.
  • On the home page, you’ll be requested to enter the username and password to proceed with the setup.
  • The username shall be with the name of D-link and a few numbers, whereas you should use the word “password” within the admin password field.
  • As soon as entered, click on the Login button and you’ll reach the login window.
  • The router will seek for the internet connection and the router setup wizard will walk you via the whole process.
  • Now, under the wi-fi section in wireless Settings tab, you would be able to change the network name SSID and the password. These details will act as your network SSID and the network protection key.
  • Once you might be accomplished updating the same, you could click on the apply changes button to save the settings.
  • Now the wi-fi router setup is finished.

Router Login with or

The router login is a simple task to do. We just have to enter the router local web address in the browser. When prompted to enter the details, fill the required credentials of router login. Please determine the following steps for further processing:

  • Connect your wi-fi device or the laptop to the local router network.
  • Please open the browser and type or in the address bar, and press Enter.
  • This may redirect you to the wifi router login page.
  • You will see a pop-up dialog box on your system.
  • Enter the details like username and the password within the given fields.
  • You are now logged in to the router management wizard.

IMPORTANT: The login credentials for a wifi router are very essential. In case you lose the same, you will see them on the label printed at the bottom of your device. If you want, that you could note the same with the network credentials for any future reference.

How can we manually update the Router Firmware?

The steps to update the router firmware are convenient to follow with. The firmware update can be done manually through router login web address or the IP address Follow these steps:

How can we connect the Wi-Fi Router with Computer/Laptop?

The router configuration will also be performed through the web management page of your router. That’s why its important to make a connection with your router and the computer. Follow these steps:

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